indiana adoption registry

Register with the Indiana State Department of Health Mutual Consent Registry to obtain your Certificate of Birth, Original Adoption Record, and Restricted Information Release Authorization.

You will file forms (47896 & 47897) even if you have filed previously under the old law. Please include a copy of your state-issued photo ID.

1. Please print and fill out forms 47896 and 47897 OR Complete them online by clicking on the buttons below:

2. Fill out both forms with any information you know.

3. Copy your driver's license or other state-issued photo ID.

4. MAIL both forms and copy of your ID to the address on the bottom of the forms. 

SEA91, Release of Identifying Adoption Information, effective July 1, 2018. Contact the Adoption Matching Registry office at (317) 233-7380 with questions.

Repeals, effective July 1, 2018, provisions applicable to adoptions finalized before January 1, 1994, that prohibit the release of identifying adoption information unless a contact form is on file.